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Crowns #6-9

This patient was not happy with her overlapping front teeth and was reluctant to complete orthodontic corrections. After doing crowns on her 4 front teeth, we were able to give her the shade and shape she desired in a timely manner! 

Crowns #6-11

This patient had a traumatic occlusion causing wear of his front teeth. After completing orthodontic treatment, his new smile was achieved by doing crowns on his upper 6 teeth, and shade was customized to fit the patient's desire of the "Hollywood Smile". 

KoR Whitening

Post orthodontic treatment, this patient completed the KoR whitening treatment at our office, which consisted of 2 weeks at home whitening, and one 90 min in office session. 

Crowns #6-9

Due to poor alignment causing excessive wear, orthodontic treatment was done for better occlusion. KoR whitening treatment brightened up his teeth nicely and then crowns were done on his front 4 teeth for a very natural looknig smile, which is what the patient desired. This patient is a public speaker that now beams confidence with every spoken word! 

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